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Protecting Baby’s Skin – 6 Winter Care Tips To Follow

by Swati Mehra

And, it’s that time of the year again! The sweaty summers are gone, and the sticky monsoons have said goodbye. Bet you’re waiting to welcome the winter with a happy smile, dreaming of snuggling in the blanket with your munchkin. But hey, let’s face it, the nip in the air comes with its own set of troubles for our kids. The most common is skin woes. Winters can be harsh on the tender skin, and us moms, need to take that extra care.

Some children are naturally predisposed to dryness, but all kids have skin that’s thinner and more sensitive than us grown-ups, making it more vulnerable to changes in the weather. Stress not, as we’ve put down for you some tried and tested easy steps that will help to protect your baby from rashes, dryness, and more all season long.


1. Layer up

Babies are sensitive to temperature changes, so before stepping out make sure your child is well covered from head to toe. It is best to dress the little one in breathable layers, which can be removed one by one if they’re hot. Extreme temperature changes while shuttling between chilly outdoors and heated indoors can also cause the child to fall ill.


2. Think warm, not hot

Not too cold or too warm is the only way to protect that tender skin from heat rashes. If your baby is bundled up, he can become overheated while underdressing can dry out exposed skin or aggravate a pre-existing condition. Itchy red bumps appear when tiny sweat glands get clogged.


3. Keep baths short and sweet

Although hot water baths are the best to relax the tired toddlers, too much time in the tub can be drying for their skin. Its best to skip the hour-long soaks with your toddler while keeping water lukewarm instead of hot to reduce drying. Its always advised choosing a cleanser that’s soap-free and fragrance-free and helps in retaining moisture in your child’s dry skin. And remember not to scrub kids clean, but to wash gently and pat dry with a soft towel.



4. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize

Cold, dry air can sap precious moisture, and those rosy cheeks you once found so adorable can quickly become leathery and windburned. Make sure you dab generous amounts of creams and lotions on your child’s skin every day, especially after the daily bath. If the weather becomes too dry, a warm oil massage goes a long way in protecting the skin.


5. Get misty

Using a humidifier in the house, especially in your child’s room, can minimize the drying effects of the season. Cold winds deplete moisture in the air, and a humidifier helps balance it out. However, please be cautious enough to not place the humidifier near your child.


6. Hydrate on the inside

Load up your child with plenty of fluids in the cold weather. It can be in the form of soups, warm milk or plain water. Along with liquids, a nutritious diet full of healthy meals and fats goes a long way in keeping them warm and healthy.


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The combination of low humidity, cold temperatures, and wind can be particularly rough for your cupcake’s googly woogly woosh skin. Following these basic steps in wintertime can go a long way in protecting your child from seasonal skin hazards, preventing many problems and keeping. So thank me later mommies, shield your little one from the winter elements to bring back that super soft baby glow.


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