Slurrp Blog

“Motherhood – Powered By Love, Fueled By Coffee, Sustained by Wine” – Says Antara Pandit

Meet Antara Pandit

Antara Pandit is an enthusiastic and passionate blogger. The Bubbly Blogcast came into existence as she always had a passion or writing. The Bubbly Blogcast does not focus on typical mom life facts. It does not give you advice on breastfeeding and the various positions, sleep patterns for babies at different ages, colic to-do’s, food recipes, etc. This is a blog for all couples thinking about having kids, moms-to-be, first-time moms, veteran moms, and in general moms all over, who are trying to juggle being a mom along with work, brunch plans with friends and more. It is meant to be a light and humorous blog, integrated with my personal experiences, thus providing a platform to talk about the real everyday issues moms face.



Get to know Antara:

1. Words I live by…

“If you love something, love it completely, cherish it, say it, but most importantly, show it.”

2. Why do I love to feed my family healthy food?

It makes it easier for the kids to make healthy choices on their own and becomes a way of life for them.

3. A dream I am turning into reality is?

I am able to wake up each morning, excited that I have a whole 24 hours ahead of me to try and impact the life of at least 1 parent that day.

4. How are you keeping stress at bay (now that the whole family is home)?

My husband and I make sure we give the kids their space and vice versa, every day. Living in an apartment there aren’t so many places you can go, but we make sure it’s done somehow.

5. What are the 3 happiest times in your life?

  • When I discovered that I was born to tell stories, and I had finally found what I was meant to do – write.
  • When both my sons were born (counting those as 1)
  • After I had written an article for a magazine, a single mother wrote back saying that she loved reading my columns and as a single mom, my experiences were really helping her. There’s no greater feeling than knowing you helped make someone’s day a little bit brighter and especially someone who is in need of kindness and compassion.

6. What’s the easiest thing about being a mother?

The love is unconditional. Even at your most vulnerable and challenging moments as a mother, the love for your kids never wavers.

7. If your life was a reality show, what would it be called?

“Motherhood – Powered by love, Fueled by Coffee, Sustained by Wine’” (Yes, its quite a long name for a show but its very apt!!)

8. Describe motherhood in just one word!


About The Bubbly Blogcast:

Antara Pandit’s parenting blog ‘The Bubbly Blogcast’ was started in December 2016 with a vision to encourage parents globally to step out of their comfort zone and share their unspoken parenting experiences. She aims to touch the lives of those in the throes of parenthood by providing an open and non-judgmental platform of support. She also started ‘Teens Talk’ in 2019, an initiative for children of all ages to work on their self-expression, at the same time nurture their zest for writing. With 13,000 readers across 10 countries, Antara also writes for various print publications and online news & parenting platforms as well. She has received the Lifestyle Journalist magazine award and She the People Award for her writing and contributions to the digital.
