Slurrp Blog

A Hearty Healthy Breakfast Recipe – Banana Chia Smoothie

By Monalisa Mehrotra

When you’re looking for a healthy breakfast recipe or an afternoon snack, it’s hard to go past this Banana Chia Smoothie. Filled with budget-friendly and healthy ingredients that will keep you full for hours. It’s perfect for when you’re wanting something sweet, as it tastes just like a thick and creamy chia shake.  You’ll be craving this delicious banana chia smoothie all summer long. 

Last week we shared some recipe blogs which can be included in your ideal healthy breakfast menu for the entire family and now we are back to make you understand how chia is important to be included in all your healthy breakfast menus.

Chia Seeds…add them into your smoothies, oatmeal, cereal, and baking recipes. These tiny little seeds are packed full of nutrition! I have to admit, I didn’t begin using them until recently, but now that I have… I sprinkle them into everything, and can’t imagine a healthy breakfast menu without them! They don’t have a taste, but they do gel up, a bit like tapioca. They thicken smoothies and puddings nicely if you allow them to soak for a while.

The best way to eat chia seeds is in a smoothie of course!  I love adding chia seeds into all of my smoothie recipes as they don’t change the taste at all. There goes a popular adage, “good things come in small packages”. Case in point: Chia seeds. This healthy breakfast recipe will keep you fuller for longer, boosting your memory, protecting your heart against attack, and stroke.

This healthy breakfast Indian babies can enjoy as much. Here’s hoping our easy recipe will find it’s place in an equally healthy breakfast menu of your kitchen.

Healthy Breakfast Recipe – Banana Chia Smoothie



1. 2 Bananas

2. 200 Ml milk (if your child is lactose intolerant, substitute with coconut milk, almond milk or soy milk)

3. 2 Tbsp Slurrp Farm Chia Seeds

4. 2 Tbsp Slurrp Farm Nut Powder

5. Sweetener of your choice. I recommend honey or Slurrp Farm Jaggery Powder (remember bananas are naturally sweet)



1. Add 2 Tbsp Slurrp Farm Chia Seeds in the milk.



2. Cut bananas into pieces and add them to the blender.



2. Blend until all ingredients are smooth. Keep aside for 5 minutes.



3. Serve in pretty glasses, garnish with banana slices, and a dash of chia.


Share with us your healthy breakfast menu where you have added chia seeds and tag us @SlurrpFarm.