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Celebrating Father’s Day With Superdad Mohit Saadani

Meet Mohit Saadani

After completing his Engineering and then MBA from IIM Ahmedabad, Mohit worked with McKinsey for seven years consulting consumer goods and retail companies across India and UK.

Mohit then joined Snapdeal as Head of Strategy and Growth, shaping efforts on acquiring and retaining users for the company.

As a dad, Mohit first found it amusing, then frustrating to see how difficult it was to get good, safe product choices for Malika (his wife) when she was expecting and then their girls. When Malika was inspired to start The Moms Co. to solve this need for moms in India, she convinced Mohit to join in as the first team member. 

Mohit Saadani is the co-founder at The Moms Co and we are on a mission to help moms with better, safer options wherever they feel the need – personal care products, foods, and more.

Get to know him:

1. Words I live by…

“Have no regrets” – I’d hate to be 60 years old and have a long list of things while I feel like I should have done.

2. Why I like to eat healthy (or why eating healthy is important for our family)?

Two kids full of energy and a start-up that needs all my time are a lot to keep up with. Eating healthy helps me make sure that I have the energy to keep up with all three and make sure I can keep doing things I love, at the same pace, for a long time.

3. A dream I’m turning into reality is?

Helping moms make safe, natural, and effective choices through the products we create @themomsco. We started the journey 4 years along and it’s an incredible feeling to be a part of the lives of millions of Moms, with so many of them sharing their precious moments with their kids, with us.

4. What’s that one fun thing you always do with your child/children?

Reading time. I love reading and our nightly bedtime reading is my way to passing on my love of books to them. We’ve tried to read together at least for 10 minutes every night since they were born, almost 9 years now!

5. If your life would be a reality show, what would it be called?


6. What is the easiest and happiest part of being a parent?

Just being there. That’s what the kids need most usually, our undivided attention. When I put my phone away in another room, de-stress from the day, and just spend time with them, it’s magical. We love playing board games, solving puzzles, and building up Legos. It’s their dad-time and for me, pure joy.

Picture Credits: Livemint