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25 Children Activities To Make Quarantine Fun

By Kamakshi Ganesh 

Monsoons are here again, but this year it’s a little different! To add to the already gloomy weather outside, quarantine has ensured that our indoor situation isn’t any better with restless children under house arrest. If juggling your household work, office chores and planning kids’ indoor activities have you going stir-crazy, don’t worry – this post is for you. We bring to you 25 highly engaging children activities to make quarantine fun.

Whether you are a stay-at-home parent or a  WFH parent, all you need are some tricks up your sleeve – i.e a handy list of fun and creative indoor activities for kids at home which will keep them entertained. This way you and your partner can maintain your sanity, your kids are occupied and peace is restored to your household!

Top 25 children activities to make quarantine fun:

1. Baking

It is a great way to introduce your kid to the kitchen and it’s a win-win for everybody involved; it’s an educational and creative activity for kids and it results in some yummy food that can be healthy too. Check out this easy-to-make brownie and cake making bake range from Slurrp Farm. So easy that older kids can bake these selections too!

2. Family movie nights

It is a great way for the whole family to enjoy a Friday night while it rains outside! Cook some popcorn, get cozy on your sofa, and pretend you are at a drive-in.

3. Indoor picnics 

Picnics are a great way to enjoy some indoor time while feeling like you are outdoors. You can have your kids set up a picnic in your balcony or even your living room.

4. Gardening

Teach your kids the basics of gardening and have them plant a simple herb for the kitchen! 



5. Paper plane racing

Is a fun kids’ indoor activity. Up the competition by practicing landing your planes through holes cut on cardboard.



6. Write letters

Though writing letters will seem as archaic as dial-up internet to our kids, urging them to hand-write letters to their friends and family.

7. Travel journal 

Make your kids create a scrapbook of photos and memories from their last holiday. It also serves as a memory journal the whole family can look back to.

8. Learn a new language 

Make your kids learn a new language or hone an already existing one. 

9. Virtual museum tours

A great way for your child to learn while exploring some of the most beautiful museums across the globe.

10. Keep flipping

The act of reading itself is a chance to slow down and spend time together. It’s that connection that’s behind instilling a lifetime love of reading in children. 


11. Livestreams of zoos and aquariums

Here kids (and adults) can enjoy seeing the animals in their zoo habitats. 

12. Learning Origami

Helps to improve concentration and fine-tune motor skills. 



13. Make household chores fun

Make the chores fun by awarding your kids points for completing a task. They can cash in their points for extra playtime or an extra cookie! 

14. Making a fort

It is a great rainy day activity for preschoolers and it also tires them out physically. “Camp out” with your kids in the fort overnight. 

15. DIY bowling alley

Make an alley with some empty plastic bottles or tins and a tennis ball. 


16.  Family game night

This is the time to break out the jenga, monopoly, and ludo games that have been gathering dust in the storage.

17. Paint parties

The whole family is a fun way to spend quality time together. 

18. Stories from space 

It’s a real thing! There are astronauts that read children’s books from space making the stories all the more special.

19. Practice existing skills

Playing an instrument or watercolor painting to utilize this time to hone the skills.



20. Making a vision board

Making a vision board of their goals will help them utilize their time better while having fun crafting.

22. DIY paper bracelets

DIY craft for kids should go on the list of things to do on a rainy day at home.

22. Cardboard box coloring

It is a great exercise for toddlers who love drawing on walls. All you need is a large cardboard box and some crayons – have your kid sit inside the box and unleash their inner Picasso. 



23. DIY toilet paper roll binoculars is an ultimate craft activities for kids to keep them busy during quarantine

24. Build a bird-house from an existing carton box and decorate it! 

25. Treasure hunts are a creative kids’ indoor activity and keep them engaged for a long time.

Hope you enjoyed reading our list of fun activities for kids. These are fuss-free, need very little prep-time and encourage kids to look forward to engaging in them again. We’ve tried them and so should you!