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5 Engaging Kid’s Activities During Coronavirus Quarantine

Parenting and working from home at the same time isn’t easy. For most parents, the day starts at 5 am and ends at around 11 pm. The clear guidance on self-isolation and social distancing means that outdoor kid’s activities – the mainstay of children’s evenings – are a strict no-no. We don’t know for certain how things will end or what our new normal will be, but as we continue to stay indoors and work from home while taking care of kids, it’s important to find time to do things we love.

But, amid the gloom and doom, plentiful opportunities have emerged to not only boost children’s learning but also do some fun kids activities. While adults come up with their coping mechanisms, kids find it a little difficult to manage their carefree minds and end up getting bored in ways unimaginable. This is where you (as parents) need to come up and take him or her to a world where boredom feels like a blessing – yes, it just needs a perspective shift to be this positive about so-called deadly things. 

5 Engaging kid’s activities during Coronavirus quarantine:

1. Kitchen – Your kid’s domain too

An engaging kid activity you can do with children at home. Whip up some quick, lip-smacking recipes.  Put on the chef’s hat and apron and churn out some delectable dishes along with your kid. Rest assured, there will be many smiles and high fives coming your way.



2. Keep flipping

The act of reading itself is a chance to slow down and spend time together. It’s that connection that’s behind instilling a lifetime love of reading in children. So don’t worry if she’d rather mouth the pages than follow the story for now. Instead, enjoy one-on-one time. Summer sizzles when you add the excitement of a good children’s book!



3. Arts and crafts

One thing that some kids are doing to pass time is expressing themselves through various forms of art. Paintings, drawings, sculptures — you name it and they’ve done it. But did you try doing this fun kid activity of recreating a jungle-like experience or play treasure hunt using nothing Yes! You heard me right. Make toilet roll binoculars – one of the ultimate craft activities during the quarantine phase.



4. Hone a new skill

This is undoubtedly a time when you can explore new hobbies for your kids. Put on some online lessons, and get them on a learning routine. Musical instruments are fantastic for creative brain development along with being a lifelong gift to your child. 



5. Selective online watching

Not so long back, the only source of screen time for children was television. But now, the internet brings them numerous YouTube channels with interactive visuals and content. However, amid all the noise, it can be a little challenging to identify quality channels. 

The Brain Scoop, which focuses on museums, adventures, and history, is one of the most popular. Hosted by Emily Graslie, the Chief Curiosity Correspondent, each episode takes children through science and art events.

Parents working from home may need to adjust expectations during this time. But it’s also a chance to show kids a part of their world. Encouraging imaginative “work” play may be a way to apply “take your child to work day” without ever leaving home!

Limits are still important. As the timeline of social distancing is uncertain, try to stick to routines. Make sure technology use does not take the place of sleep, physical activity, reading, reflective downtime, or family connection.