Slurrp Blog

Oats And Organic Jaggery Powder Donuts

By Simran Oberoi Multani

For those who do not know, a donut is a type of dessert food popular in many countries and is typically ring shaped with a hole. A donuts recipe usually calls for use of eggs, yeast and as it is deep fried, and the snack is loaded with calories. I always wanted to eat donuts guilt free so I came up with this oats and organic jaggery powder donuts recipe which is healthy and quick to make. 


I have been sharing recipes that I have tried with Oats earlier. Today, I am going to share another interesting recipe that I recently created and cooked.
With the lovely festive season upon us let your guests indulge in guilt free , low-fat, low carb sweets. Also, these organic jaggery donuts are fun to make and yummy to eat. This is when their golden brown crust is nice and crisp, yet inside the donut is wonderfully soft, almost has a cake-like in texture.

While we often eat them plan (especially when freshly made), they are very good with a dusting of powdered or cinnamon sugar. And they become extra special when dipped in a chocolate glaze.

Organic Jaggery Powder Donuts:


1. One cup Slurrp Farm Oats Powder

2. One small banana

3. 1/2 Cup Slurrp Farm Organic Jaggery Powder 

4 One tbsp flavourless cold pressed oil

5. 1/2 Cup milk

Watch the video:


1. Put the Slurrp Farm Oats Powder in a bowl.



2. Add banana.



3. Add Slurrp Farm Jaggery Powder.



4. Mix well.

5. Add oil and milk.



6. Whisk well.



7. Put into piping bag.

8. Pipe into donut pan and use any topping of your choice (optional).



9. Bake for 20 minutes at 160 degrees C.

 Donut worry, be happy and tag us on our Instagram @slurrpfarm to show us how the recipe turned out for you.