We often associate being creative with our own ability to paint and draw. But it’s much more than that. Creativity is thinking. Creativity is doing. Being creative is finding out that there is more than one way to solve a problem. Being creative is trying something new. As a parent, it is not your job is not to “build” a creative child, but rather to encourage your child’s natural inclination to be creative. The goal is to support, rather than stifle.
What child doesn’t love to pick up a pencil or crayons and draw? Many children lose interest as time goes by, but why is that? Many of us are operating under the mistaken belief that only a few people are artists. The truth is that everyone is born with some degree of artistic ability. The difference between the artists and the non-artists is ‘nurture’.
We at Slurrp Farm believe – the best thing a parent can do for their child is to help keep their curiosity alive and to encourage them to explore their interests. If you have a child who has taken an interest in art, encourage that interest. Your little one just wants to communicate with this world is not just words but increasingly with images.
1. Draw Paint Print Like the Great Artists